Treating healthy teeth is affordable and pain-free. That’s why we encourage our patients to seek preventative care before they need invasive procedures.
Different patients benefit from different preventative measures. When you see Dr. Schaack for a smile analysis, the two of you will work together to protect your healthy grin.
Night Guards
Many patients suffer from bruxism, or teeth grinding. Grinding your teeth will damage the delicate enamel and wear down the teeth. To avoid jaw pain and wear and tear, you might want to consider a custom-made night guard from Dr. Schaack.
Oral Cancer Screenings
Oral cancer begins with an asymptomatic stage, during which the usual cancer signs are undetectable. Unfortunately, nearly 10,000 cases of oral cancer will end in death in America this year. You can prevent exposing yourself to the dangers of oral cancer by receiving annual oral cancer screenings. When the disease is detected in its earliest stages, it is often more easily treatable.
Dry Mouth
If dry mouth has been bothering you, make an appointment with Dr. Robbie Schaack. He can determine the source of this symptom, which may be a sign of various health complications.
Hygiene and Periodontal Care
We check the health of your teeth and gums on a regular basis. If you do have disease, decay, or other damage, we can treat it right away. With early treatment, you’ll avoid the discomfort and costliness of extensive dental care.
Personalized Oral Health Counseling
We know that dental care is not one-size-fits-all. We take the time to get to know our patients so that we can give them personalized advice and counseling. Our professionals would be happy to recommend at-home care techniques and the right products and services for you.
We hope to alleviate all of your dental concerns before they become painful, difficult, or expensive. We would love to hear from you soon. Please contact us at Canyon Lake Family and Cosmetic Dentistry.